Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure

4.1  What is Safeguarding

Care & Alliance Ltd recognises the definition of safeguarding as the actions taken to keep Service Users safe from harm and neglect.

Care & Alliance Ltd and its employees understand the importance of working together in partnership to make sure that individual Service Users are safe through its collective and proactive approach to safeguarding.

4.2  What Constitutes Abuse?

Care & Alliance Ltd recognizes that the individuals it serves can be extremely vulnerable to abuse and neglect, especially if they have care and support needs.

Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human or civil rights by any other person. It is where someone does something to another person, or to themselves, which puts them at risk of harm and impacts on their health and well-being.

Abuse can have a damaging effect on the health and well-being of Service Users; these effects may be experienced in the short and long term and sometimes can be lifelong.

  • The signs of abuse are not always obvious, and a victim of abuse may not tell anyone what is happening to them – sometimes they may not even be aware they are being abused.

The robust governance processes at Care & Alliance Ltd will make sure that staff working for, and on behalf of, Care & Alliance Ltd, recognise and respond to the main forms of abuse which are set out in the Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance Chapter 14, which is not an exhaustive list, but an illustration as to the sort of behaviour that could give rise to a safeguarding concern:

  • Physical abuse
  • Domestic violence and abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Psychological abuse
  • Financial or material abuse
  • Modern slavery and human trafficking
  • Discriminatory abuse
  • Organisational abuse
  • Neglect and acts of omission
  • Self-neglect

Common signs of abuse include:

  • Unexplained changes in behaviour or personality – such as aggression, anger, hostility or hyperactivity
  • Becoming withdrawn
  • Seeming anxious, depressed or unusual fears, or a sudden loss of self-confidence
  • Withdrawal from friends or usual activities
  • Lacks social skills and has few friends, if any
  • Poor bond or relationship with close family members
  • Running away or going missing
  • Sleep problems and nightmares

Hidden harms may also include:

  • Exploitation
  • County lines
  • Forced marriage – honour based abuse (HBA)
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)


  • Radicalisation
  • Gang violence
  • Modern slavery
  • Everybody has the right to live a life that is free from harm and Care & Alliance Ltd recognises that safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect is everybody’s business. Care & Alliance Ltd aims to ensure that all adults at risk of abuse or neglect are enabled to live and work, be cared for and supported in an environment free from abuse, harassment, violence or aggression. The safeguarding policies and procedures of Care & Alliance Ltd will dovetail with the Birmingham local authority multi-agency policy and procedures, which we understand take precedence over those of Care & Alliance Ltd. Care & Alliance Ltd will ensure that the Birmingham local authority policies and procedures are reflected within its own policy and procedure, that this is shared with all staff and is accessible and available for staff to follow.
  • Care & Alliance Ltd aims to provide services that will be appropriate to the adult at risk and not discriminate because of disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, culture, or lifestyle. It will make every effort to enable Service Users to express their wishes and make their own decisions to the best of their ability.

Care & Alliance Ltd will work with Service Users and others involved in their Care to ensure they receive the support and protection they may require, that they are listened to and treated with respect (including their property, possessions and personal information) and that they are treated with compassion and dignity.

A chaperone is always present when a vulnerable adult needs treatment, and missed healthcare appointments must be monitored to consider signs of abuse or neglect. These must be followed up with the healthcare provider and information shared in the best interests and safety of the Service User.

  • Care & Alliance Ltd will follow the six principles as set out in guidance to the Care Act 2014 and this will inform practice with all Service Users:
    • Empowerment – People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent
    • Prevention – It is better to take action before harm occurs
    • Proportionality – The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented
    • Protection – Support and representation for those in greatest need
    • Partnership – Local solutions through services working with their Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse
    • Accountability – Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding
  • Care & Alliance Ltd understands the importance of working collaboratively to ensure that:
  • The needs and interests of adults at risk are always respected and upheld
  • The human rights of adults at risk are respected and upheld
  • A proportionate, timely, professional and ethical response is made to any adult at risk who may be experiencing abuse
  • All decisions and actions are taken in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Each adult at risk maintains:
    • Choice and control
    • Safety
    • Health
    • Quality of life
    • Dignity and respect
    • Care & Alliance Ltd is committed to the principles of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ and aims to ensure that safeguarding is person-led and focused on the outcomes that Service Users want to It will engage Service Users in a conversation about how best to respond to their safeguarding situation in a timely way that enhances involvement, choice and control as well as improving quality of life, wellbeing and safety.

4.9  The Registered Manager Adult Service Manager’s Responsibilities

  • To establish the facts about the circumstances giving rise for concern
  • To identify sources and level of risk
  • To ensure that information is recorded and that the Birmingham local authority Adult Safeguarding Team is contacted to inform them of the concern or harm
  • If a Service User is at immediate risk of harm, the Registered Manager Adult Service Manager will contact the The CQC will also be informed
  • In all cases of alleged harm, there will be early consultation between Sharon Biddle, Birmingham local authority and the Police to determine whether or not a joint investigation is Care & Alliance Ltd understands that it may also be necessary to advise the relevant Power of Attorney, if there is one appointed. In dealing with incidents of potential harm, people have rights which must be respected and which may need to be balanced against each other
  • The wishes of the person harmed will be taken into account whenever This may result in no legal action
  • Documentation of any incidents of harm in the Service User’s file and using body maps to record any injuries
  • Follow Birmingham local authority policy guidelines where applicable
  • Report any incidents of abuse to the relevant parties
  • Work with multi-agencies
  • Advise and support staff
  • Ensure staff are trained to enhance knowledge
  • Actively promote the “Whistleblowing’’ policies

4.10  The  {SupportWorkerOrCarer}’s  Responsibilities

  • To be able to recognise and report incidences of harm
  • To report concerns of harm or poor practice that may lead to harm
  • To remain up to date with training
  • To follow the policy and procedures
  • To know how and when to use the Whistleblowing procedures
  • To understand the Mental Capacity Act and how to apply it in practice

4.11  General Principles

  • We will have robust recruiting and safer staffing policies in place to make sure that our staff are fit to work with adults at risk and are compliant with national, safe recruitment and employment practices, including the requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service
  • A named safeguarding lead will be in place who is responsible for embedding safeguarding practices and improving practice in line with national and local developments. At Care & Alliance Ltd, this person is Sharon Biddle
  • Any staff member who knows or believes that harm is occurring will report it to their line manager as quickly as possible, or if they feel they cannot follow the regular reporting procedure, they must use the Whistleblowing process
  • Care & Alliance Ltd will work collaboratively with other agencies, including liaison in relation to the investigation of allegations and will ensure its procedures dovetail with the Birmingham local authority multi-agency procedures
  • Care & Alliance Ltd will use incident reporting, root cause analysis, lessons learned and auditing to determine themes to improve Care practice
  • We will have a learning and development strategy which specifically addresses adult We will provide training on the identification and reporting of harm, as well as training on the required standards in relation to procedures and processes should something need to be reported
  • Care & Alliance Ltd recognises its responsibilities in relation to confidentiality and will share information appropriately
  • We will have zero tolerance to harm
  • We will work in partnership with other agencies to ensure that concerns or allegations of abuse are appropriately referred for investigation to the most appropriate agency
  • We will ensure that any action that is taken is assessed, proportionate and reflective of the risk presented to the people who use the services
  • We will report any incidents in line with our regulatory requirements
  • Care & Alliance Ltd will adhere to the Code of Conduct for {SupportWorkerOrCarer}s
  • There is a clear, well-publicised Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure in place that staff know how to use

4.12  Prevention – Providing information to support Service Users

  • Care & Alliance Ltd will support Service Users by providing accessible, easy to understand information on what abuse is and what signs to look out for. This will include Service Users’ rights and how to get help and support if they need it through the {Care_plan_name} We will comply with the Accessible Information Standard
  • All Service Users will receive a copy of the Service User Guide, have access to the

Complaints, Suggestions and Compliments Policy and Procedure and be given information on how to escalate any concerns to the Commissioner, CQC, advocacy or Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman should they not be satisfied with the approach taken by Care & Alliance Ltd

4.13  Prevention – Raising awareness

  • Staff will need to be trained and understand the different patterns and behaviours of abuse as detailed in the Care Act Chapter 14 and Care & Alliance Ltd will ensure that it is able to respond appropriately
  • Care & Alliance Ltd will ensure that all staff are trained on the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
  • During induction training, all employees will complete the “Understanding Abuse” workbook, as part of the Care Certificate